Thursday, July 14, 2011

Survey Says: 1/2 of small-business owners do not use social media

According to a recent poll conducting by a small-business Insurer, Hiscox Insurance Company Inc, nearly half of small-business owners do not use social media, feeling that it’s not necessary to their business.
Is that a surprise?

The results come from 304 U.S. business owners and managers – more than 200 of which are founders of their companies. All those surveyed have fewer than 250 employees.
Of those engaging in social media for business purposes, 28% have a company Facebook page, 18% have a company LinkedIn page or group, and 8% have a company blog.
In our own experience, working with small business owners, those who have designed a solid Social Media Marketing Strategy and applied a little Metal to the Pedal have been pleasantly rewarded with increases prospects, sales, and better customer engagement

Friday, May 27, 2011

Top rate customers generates honest Testimonies

Listening to our customers is a good way to build a business, and when they freely offer testimonies, be sure to share

My friend John Brand has built his Company over the past 30 years handcrafting quality leather horse tack and, more important, always over delivering and providing impeccable personal customer service.

Plus telephones that are answered by real people, unless on the other line and a small but creative craftsmen from the good old USA.

Just wanted to share this Testimony page

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is Social Media really Social?

Even though I am still entrenched in the Dark Ages, I have found Social media a wonderful way to REALLY engage.

"Helping People" was one of the two Definite Major Purposes of my life I established in 1960, after reading Think and Grow Rich and Social media allows that to happen easier.

I read posts and follow up questions with offer to help..

Yes I post my phone number on all social media, when allowed.

This blog Post form a young Lady I did previously know explains what I enjoy doing with Social Media.

By the way it does eventually help "new sales"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I personally feel the Country my parents immigrated to is moving in the wrong direction. Actaully the direction they Left to establish a life of Freedom here in the USA. Talking to friends and neighbors there seems to be a feeling of resignation that "we the People" have the ability to Be the Change. What do you think?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2GSM WordPress Page Optimizer, Add this easy tu use Plugin to YOUR WP system today. Very Affordable

This simple to use and very flexible Wordpress Premium plugin is a must for any serious Marketer utilizing the Power of Blogging. We, at 2 Gain Sales Matters, are offering it at very affordable price. Personal support is available if you the need for help, but this has been designed for Easy Application. Get yours today and start applying the results immediately