Monday, October 29, 2007

Building Relationships through Valuable Information

I have always established my businesses on the
Foundation of relationship building with people
of like minds.

This was embedded in my young mind after reading,
studying and digesting Think & Grow Rich is 1960

When I first came to the Internet Marketing scene,
3 years ago,I was presented the following
FREE resource by
a like minded person, who became a strong Business ally and
we have developed a mutually
beneficial business relationship.

I encourage everyone to use this resource.
Put your URL in your Sig File

How would you like to be in front of your subscribers,
visitors and
prospects daily in a non-intrusive, non-threatening way?
In fact, they'll probably thank you for letting them
know about this service.

You don't even need a website to benefit. If you have any
kind of email list at all, you (and they) can benefit from
this program.

It's a two-tier program with "lifetime" commissions on referrals.
15% on the first tier. 5% second tier. Paid every month!

They've got some real hot banners and text ads to
drive people to their automated selling system which
is incredible.

Go here to check it out and then let's talk about some
ideas for spreading the word:
(Then click on Become an Affiliate).

Chuck Bartok
Leave a comment

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What we will do here.......

As the Title of this blog states it will be an Odyssey.....

It will be a Voyage to Abundance as we together grow our respectiveNetwork Marketing, Direct Mail, Direct response and Internet Marketing Businesses.

I have had a desire to share my 45 + years of marketing experience with the
people, I have met on my 3 year trek through the exciting World of The Internet. Since there seem to be a LACK of Foundation Training, it is my MISSION to establish a platform where anyone can enter and learn HOW to Plan, Establish and Grow a BUSINESS, On-line or Off-line. The emphasis will be developing The Marketing and Business MINDSET

Since I have been in involved on the "Net", the explosion of the Web 2.0 concept has brought forth dynamic Tools & System to more effectively Market Product and Services, using my Old fashioned concept of Relationship Marketing.

This BLOG will tie together with my Membership site, Beginners Marketing Class, set for Launch Fall 2007. We will use this platform as a Review and Introduction of the State of the Art Tools, Products and Systems being introduced almost weekly.

Over to your right is a simple Poll. Take a moment and answer. Your input will always be appreciated here and at Beginners Marketing Class.

For the past Year, I have had the privilege of Hosted a Live Interactive Podcast, The Focus Society of Overachievers, discussing the works of Napoleon Hill and Charles Haanel. FREE copies of the Books Think and Grow Rich and The Master Key are available at the following Links.

Think and Grow Rich
The Master Key

Click on the Banner on the right to listen to recent episodes or Visit the site and Download all past episodes.

We also have an Audio Newsletter regarding the early years of developing a
Network Marketing Organization