Monday, July 28, 2008

Following Think and Grow Rich, Expand Your Spiritual Growth

A Review of a Dynamite Program by a brilliant Young Man

If you have followed my ramblings in the Blogs, Forums and of
course our Podcast, The Focus Society of Overachievers, you know I believe
that SUCCESS comes to those who have master the art of Spirituality.

There are some great assets regarding Napoleon Hill and his Mentor,
Charles Haanel, on my Squidoo lenses, and

The whole chapter in Think and Grow Rich on the Spirit tie so much together
and one realizes the TRUE Power of thought when directed by the right Forces

Let me preface this by saying that I have never been a fan
of writing - I am a fan of the Spoken Story. It was
only a few years ago when I began to take any interest in
writing at all when a friend had suggested I start to keep
a journal.

A Life worth Living is a Life Worth Recording

Through habit I actually began to like to write. Sometimes
my journal entries had me getting carried away and writing,
in some cases, my own stories. Occasionally they were
fictional and other times they were true. I have grown as
a story writer ever since my days creatively scribbling in
my journal.

I learned a lot about myself through writing and overtime I
found I actually began to write for my own personal growth,
pretty much by accident. Equally important in comparison to
my journal entries are my spiritual short stories, there is
no doubt in my mind. However, it was not until recent I had
discovered I could be getting more out of my stories and

I was given the opportunity to preview a new program from
Chris Cade that shows you how you can too. As soon as I got
my hands on it, I dove in and was very pleased with what I

First off let me say the program is packed with goodies
that make it well worth the introductory price offer -
which is super-low to begin with when you see everything
that is included. The program includes three audio
interviews, an e-book, 2 workbooks, and personal mentoring
and they are all packed to the brim with information.

The audio quality of the interviews had me bummed out a bit
but after listening to them carefully you quickly realize it
is the quality of the content on the interview that you paid
for. Fortunately, all of the interviews are transcribed so
you can read them if you prefer to read or have some
difficulty hearing them like I did.

Being a story writer who is experienced but looking for the
next step and some guidance, I was very pleased with the
e-book and workbooks in the program. The 'How to Write Short
Stories for Spiritual Growth' e-Book helped walk me through
step-by-step the best methods for writing spiritually rich
short stories.

This is a great e-book because any writer of any experience
level can follow it to help their writing ability and
increase the quality and effectiveness of their spiritual
short stories. The thoroughness of the e-Book itself is
inspirational and encourages you to get started before you
even have a chance to get to the last page.

The supplemental workbooks that are included in the package
are also excellent tools I found to help improve my writing.
One of them is all about "partnering with your inner
critic." I found this to be a really helpful guide to have
on hand whenever I hear that little voice tell me things
like, "I'm not good enough" or "But what will others

Aside from the audio quality, my other main complaint with
the program is that there is almost too much content to
take in at once. I highly suggest you pace yourself when
you sign up for this program, and I wish you good luck to
you on your writing adventure! (Although you won't need it
because Chris literally takes you by the hand with this

==>Spiritual Growth Made Easy

Here's a small glimpse of what you'll discover:

How to think WITHOUT the box, not just outside of it.

How to silence your inner critic

How to quickly change unwanted habits

How to use writing as a tool for spiritual growth

I can personally attest to the fact that this kind of Mindset has been a Boon to our Steady Income and comfortable Lifestyle.

Do yourself and your friends a favor and grab this Opportunity today.

Let's all continue on our smooth Voyage to prosperity and Inner Peace

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is TWITTER for Real? Savvy Bloggers Think So!

There has been so much activity around Marketing Circles
about the POWER of Twitter.

My Opinion, it is a powerful Relationship Building Tool
when used correctly.

And when you can combine it with Word Press blogs
you have an automatic WINNER.

John Merrick
and Soren Jordensen have delivered a
FREE software
with clear Video on the use and application.

It's a Wordpress plugin that makes it super
easy to combine the powers of Wordpress and
Twitter - driving massive amounts of traffic
to your blog.

And the best part... It's 100% free!

TweetMyBlog will automatically

1) Post a tweet whenever you update you blog.
The tweet will link back to your blog,
driving a ton of interested readers your way.

2) Highlight your latest Tweets on your blogs
sidebar - increasing your Twitter following

3) Promote your affiliate link on auto-pilot,
whenever you use the plugin and sidebar
widget. Earn commissions just for posting to
your blog.

Tweet My Blog FREE

This is far more than just another Wordpress
plugin - This is a fully fleshed out marketing
plan that will put the power of Twitter at
your finger tips.

And... Even though they are giving this plugin
away for free,
you should take a close look at
the special offer they have in store for you
when join. I instantly grabbed my own copy,
and I know it will skyrocket my marketing
power when using Twitter and Wordpress.

Get your FREE Software Today

I know this review is on a Blogger Blog, but
you can see my Wordpress Blog

Life in the Marketing World just gets better every day!

The Opportunities abound for anyone with ambition to
Create, Implement and GROW a Business to supplement
Income or go Full Time

Monday, July 14, 2008

Finally Here , a Definitve Package to Produce Quality Videos

I am very excited that this very effective Product is Available.

I had the privilege of meeting Lon at the World Internet Main Event
this past September. This project has been developed with the attention to detail Lon is so well known for.

I can't encourage enough anyone who wants to use VIDEO in their Marketing Program to take advantage of this Tutorial Series. Lon Naylor really explains the HOW-TO

With the proliferation of web videos, it would appear that many have no shame producing and distributing crappy videos. While if this is a video of your dog Charlie catching a Frisbee while jumping off the dock at the lake, that is one thing.

But if this video is a business video that is promoting, demonstrating, or giving a tutorial on how to use your product – that is entirely a different matter. From the viewers prospective – if you don't care about using a crappy demonstration video – why would your attitude when you created your product or service be any different. If you as a business are providing a quality product or service – then tell the world about it in with videos – but do it right. By just implementing a few production details, you too can create high quality web videos.

Lon Naylor, from Wisconsin, a former Microsoft Techie, who has begun a crusade to rid the web of crappy videos. Lon shows you (with videos of course) exactly what you need to do in order to create videos that will make your business product or service shine.

In a step by step system he calls “Ace the Audio”, he shows you the techniques that can turn a bumbling and stumbling video narration into something that sounds like it was recorded at a production studio. In this twelve part module, Lon breaks it down into simple lessons, skillfully demonstrated in video form, exactly how to produce a studio quality narration for your videos. Did I mention for a limited time, Lon is giving you access to this video completely free! -
Click Here for Details
Screencast Profits

In the members area of his site – Lon takes you through a total of nine different modules – each done in the same format as “Ace the Audio”. Starting with a fantastic video overview tutorial, Lon takes you step by step with modules like Video Strategies, Creating Killer Screencast Videos, Planning and Preparing Your Video, Recording Your Videos, Editing Your Videos, as well as a Module on Video Production. Before you put another crappy video up – you owe it to your business to discover how with a few simple techniques you can make your videos look like high quality video productions.

Your business's image is at stake – learn how simple it is to project a video image that matches the high quality of your business's products and services.

Get your FREE Video Today