Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Master it really? Charles Haanel Thought So

At the beginning of the twentieth Century there was a movement in
philosophical circles called the New Age. Metaphysical concepts
were being presented by many.

A successful Business man, Charles Haanel, started publishing
a correspondence Course (maybe one of the first)
providing his Concepts of Personally Directed Growth and Success.

His "students" would send their Fee and he would forward,
via USPS, the weekly Chapters, with a question section.
At the end of the series, he would then mail them the complete BOOK

He is attributed with being known as the Father of The Law of Attraction.

Haanel's writing were praised by many as the SECRET to success.
Here is a Letter addressed to him from Napoleon Hill, 18 years
before Hill published Think & Grow Rich

April 21, 1919

"My Dear Mr. Haanel,

You probably know, from the editorial in the January issue of the Golden Rule, copy of which my Secretary sent to you, that I began twenty-two years ago as a coal miner at a dollar a day.

I have just been retained by a ten million dollar corporation at a salary of $105,200.00 a year, for a portion of my time only, it having been agreed that I shall continue as editor of the Hill's Golden Rule.

I believe in giving credit where it is due, therefore I believe I ought to inform you that my present success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in the Master Key System.

You are doing a good work by helping people to realize that nothing is impossible of accomplishment which a man can create in his imagination.

Surely my own experience proves this.I shall cooperate with you in getting your course into the hands of the many who so greatly need your message.

Cordially and sincerely,
Napoleon Hill"

I was fortunate to be Introduced to his works, especially the Master Key in 1960.
I found this simply stated book a real asset to my business career
over the past years. My success arrived almost to the direct relation
of my focusing on these principles.

Being a real fan of Charles Haanel and His Master Key Series,
I narrated the entire Book this past Fall. It is now available,along with a membership in a Community site that will be offering more
Audio Books from the Self-Help Classics.

A purchase also allows one to advertise and market the Audio Book
on their own and earn 60% referral fee.

Order You copy Below

Master Key Audio, narrated by Chuck Bartok

The following Video was produced by Laser Direct