Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Product Review FREE Advertising....Does it Work?

Are you New to Growing an Internet Business?
Are You new to Business at all?Regardless of experience, there is one Absolute involved in the
Growth of a Successful Business, regardless it's Model or Venue
Effective Advertising!

In fact one of the First Budget Items well designed Business Plans include is the Advertising Budget. Working with many members of Beginners Marketing Class, I have found that very few who have attempted Business, especially on Line, have ever addressed this Fact. So many are wiling to part with their money for the Slick promises of Wealth for no Effort, but are hesitant to allocate a strong Budget to advertising the Product or Opportunity.

I emerged on-line over 4 years ago and was intrigued by the
misdirection offered by so many EXPERTS. I also noticed the Plethora of FREE
advertising Mediums. I enjoy Value and was willing to Investigate FREE.

Most was absolutely Worthless, in direct proportion of Cost..ZERO

Note: The words FREE Advertising yields
153,000,000 spots..popular place!

However, I was able to meet and talk to an Innovator and self taught Internet
Trend Setter, Garland Coulson, from British Columbia. Garland, like myself, was adept at Business consulting Off-line and used his savvy to research the need and create a Unique Product and Helping others succeed at On-Line Marketing, regardless your Product.

The first program I joined was Garland's FREE TRAFFIC BAR

This program allow my ads to be displayed on
Thousands of Tool Bars 24/7

In the past 4 years my sites have been seen 6,360,505 times
with a click through of 3,946 yielding a CTR: 0.06% and
A Cash Conversion of
CTR of 10%.

So What, you may ask?
My normal net profit for the year from a new customer is $187.00

Do the Math..I believe an effective ROI.
ROI you now ask?
Why discuss Return on Investment for a FREE program.

Well after using the system as a FREE user for a few months and
seeing the Benefit I invested in a Lifetime package, allowing
More Sites, Banners and Text Ads.

Lifetime Platinum program is $297 One Time
which provides
Signup Bonus of 500,000 (100,000/ mo for 5 months)

And Many, after testing the Waters, find the
Masters Pro
for $19.99 month a great option.

I am VERY pleased with my One time Investment.

Also in the past Year my ads are generating much higher
CTR, because of the wonderful tutorial provided by Garland
and his Staff

Writing the Copy and presentation is what it is all about.
Also this program is really geared for Split testing of
colors and Backgrounds.

Join Free Traffic Bar Today and allow me to Provide
25,00 Free Ad Credits to get you Started Properly

Follow these Instruction:

Step 1: Go to Free Traffic Bar via this link: http://freetrafficbar.com/h/58649/

Step 2: After you've signed up, log in to your account then go to this link: http://freetrafficbar.com/s/admin/index.php?&req=consume_product&id=10013&coupon_code=25K58649DD1

Step 3: Click the [Redeem] button

Let's Optimize the Value of FREE Traffic!

Call with any Questions,
and Follow me on Twitter

Next Review will be on the
Powerful 24/7 Product Garland Just introduced
Screen Swarm

I have a Huge
Bonus Available
and real Metrics


Bo Tipton said...

You are certainly right on this one. I have used Free Traffic Bar for several years and of all the free traffic methods I use this one is the one that works the best for me.

If someone is going to invest money in advertising like they need to there is no better place to start then here.

You are also right that if you are going to advertise on Free Traffic Bar you need go through the tutorials. It will change your conversion rate.

Great Post
Bo Tipton
The Ornery Marketer

Chuck Bartok said...

Thank Bo,

Isn't Funny how many still hesitate to LEARN how to use these Powerful resources?

There is NO excuse for not achieving Success in Today's Marketing Environment

Thank you for Commnet

Chuck Bartok said...

Thank Bo,

Isn't Funny how many still hesitate to LEARN how to use these Powerful resources?

There is NO excuse for not achieving Success in Today's Marketing Environment

Thank you for Commnet

Justyna said...

I actually just this week came up on this resource. its good to know that it actually is worth my time. Thanks for the review :)

Justyna said...

I just came upon the Free Traffic Bar and started using it. I'm glad to hear that its worth my time. Thanks for the review

Justyna said...
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