Blogging has become the choice of the Internet community to keep others informed and the Wordpress self hosted systems have allowed people of all experience levels to create pages for Blogging, Lead Capture, Membership and sales pages.
The following is an affordable Plugin that has increased revenue for my Wordpress systems
I won't waste your time repeating what is on the page
at the URL above, but here are a few highlights..
- - Create time limited special offers for your website visitors.
- Add timers to your One-Time Offer pages to heighten the sense of urge
- Visitors never see the actual link to your one-time offer page, so they can't
bypass the limits you've set. - No ploys, no gimmicks, no scams, no tricks. Your customers will quickly realize that your one-time offers are the real deal and they'll take you up on your next One-Time Offer 'cause nobody likes to miss out!
- Tracks user by host address (IP) and cookies! (Visitors can't erase their cookies and get another shot.) and much more!
>>>>>Wordpress OTO Plugin Available Here<<<<<<
I ususally don't tout products we have not created, but this plugin is Working for those who put it to Use. Buy it Today before the price goes up and it will every 24 hours.
If you are not using Self-hosted Wordpress Systems, you will enjoy the tutorials offered form our weekly Subscription based Webinar Series
(Disclosure: when you decide to order the above plugin, I will receive a $2.00 commission. That is why we advertise products that Work! Affiliate products allow our business to to grow, with more capital to invest. Funny concept, but it has worked for 1,000's of years, but the Nanny State wants to be sure you are not Hoodwinked in to spending a fortune on Bogus things. The same group that has bankrupted our children's Future)

Tel: 1-530-798-0245
Blog: You Can Build It Offline Life vs. Online Marketing