Twitter this, Facebook That, Ning all day, Oh My!
Is our Precious TIME being wasted?
Before you go any further. Join our Facebook Page and get in the swing of all this FUN
Social Stuff!
I know, it seems that every minute we are talking about Social Media,
Social Networking and How to Become an Overnight Success with all of these
FREE Tools and Systems. Many are questioning does it really WORK?
Well it does for those who apply simple marketing strategies, Focus on the
Main Thing and follow a simple Plan of action.
I was privileged this morning to interview a fellow Focus Society Mastermind
member, Brad Parler.
Brad is a professional Internet Designer and Video advertising producer who has developed a Knack of Optimizing his Time spent Social networking, using the Social media.
So What did Brad do and what does Continental Airlines have to do with this?
Listen to the Audio and then Comment. We are going to be discussing more trick and tips for effective Social networking and Optimizing the Social media on our Talk Shows and Webinars at Focus Society Mastermind.
I am looking forward to a follow up Interview on the Progress of this unique Campaign.
Also, Brad is co-hosting a Focus Society Mastermind Webinar with me Thursday, August 27, 2009.
FREE to Lifetime members of Focus Society Mastermind. Non-members can subscribe for a paltry $9.95/monthly and have Access to total Webinar Archived Library
Grab your Membership HERE
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#hashtags, Twitter, Facebook, Continental Airlines, What does They all have in Common?
Posted by
Chuck Bartok
12:54 PM
Labels: Brad Parler #calhirebrad, Continetal airlines, Facebook, Focus Society Mastermind, twitter
Sunday, August 16, 2009
"Time after Time....Is Time a Manageable Asset or a MYTH?
Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.
Charles Richards There are Hundreds of Books written and seminars presented about
TIME MANAGEMENT being the major Key to Success in any endeavor.
We are instructed to carefully annotate Appointments schedules and minutes spent for each task and be sure that there is a continuous FLOW of Activity.
But here are some Health complications that rear their Ugly head for those who dwell too much on this Harried style of pursuing Increase. Most of us Overload the Daily Planner wit, many times Non-essential tasks.
Read what Mayo Clinic offers as Tip for Healthy "Time Management"
Effective time management is a primary means to a less stressful life. These practices can help you reduce your stress and reclaim your personal life.
By Mayo Clinic staffDo you find yourself overwhelmed by the number and complexity of projects you have that need to be completed at work each day? Do you often feel the day flies by without your devoting the necessary attention to each assignment because other tasks keep landing on your desk, co-workers interrupt you with questions or you can't get it all organized? ......Read MORE
Here is a simple Video I have assembled to Share my Thought on the Subject of Time Management...Really a subject of SELF Management
Posted by
Chuck Bartok
11:39 AM
Labels: Mayo Clinic, Self-conteriol, Self-improvement, Stress releif, Time Mangaement
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
More on the Power of Social Media
In a previous Post, June 1, 2009 I mentioned my re-associating with a long time
Friend and Business Associate James Strauss directly from The Powerful Engines,
now classed as Social media.
Because of our memberships in such sites as Facebook, Twitter,
Linkedin, and You Tube
Jim and I have re-connected and are beginning to Share our talents with others. Each of us have developed "Followers" of our respective Vocations and talents and since we have a basic Like-Mind others seem to gravitate to our respective work.
Just this morning James Strauss posted this witty but candid report on an event
"making History". His Take on it is Fascinating:
It's A wonderful Life: by James Strauss
They're back. Oh, not those two chicks who did whatever the hell they were doing on the border of N. Korea. No, I mean Al Gore and Bill Clinton. Al arranged for the great swooping rescue by the great swooping rescuer (that would be Bill) so both of those two "whatever the hell they are now" guys are talking like crazy inside a private airline hanger to CNN and the world. Al has introduced Bill, telling us all what a heartfelt sacrificing individual the big galoot really go over and save two young American women from the clutches of that horrid simian dictator. Al smiles that wonderfully vapid Gore smile (which certainly had something to do with his having his election as president stolen) and says great things about Bill. He then introduces the man, expecting, without a doubt, that the great rescuer will say great things back....Read more
Jim posted this and of course his Followers on Facebook saw it. I commented (an important habit to develop) and then Posted on Twitter a link to this article. 39 of the 2,000 Followers I have on Twitter opened the link and many of them re-tweeted it.
So through the Power of Social Media a Thought was delivered globally in just a few minutes to several thousand people of possible Like-Mind.
To learn more about HOW TO develop more Skill in optimizibng Social Media, join us on our Wednesday evening Live Talk Show
Or better yet Subscribe to our Powerful Weekly Webinar Series, Recorded and Archived) discussing with Hands on Application the use of these Tools and Other Time Tested Marketing Systems
Weekly Focus Society Mastermind Webinar Series
Also don't forget to get your First Edition Copy of Jim's Latest Novel. A sony Movie scheduled for release in 2012
The Boy, Mastodons, A Series
Posted by
Chuck Bartok
9:16 AM
Labels: Facebook, James Strauss, Social Media, twitter, YouTube The Boy mastodon Series