Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Reporter vs Expert - Why Most Bloggers Are Stuck Reporting

I have always appreciated Yaro Starak clear and concise Mentoring and his direction has really brought Increase to my Overall Marketing Programs.

The Following is an example of his leadership in bringing up a point that is evident in not just Blogging but in the whole Marketing Arena.

Show It to the World Today

I happen to know about growing Tomatoes, and enjoying high yields.

Who cares?

Thousands who have watched My Videos
And a large number who follow My Blog

There are basically two types of bloggers in the world - reporters and experts - and some people perform both roles (usually the experts, it’s hard for reporters to become experts, but it’s easy for experts to report).

If you have ever taken an Internet marketing course or attended a seminar specifically for beginners, you have probably heard about the two different methodologies. Whenever the business model is based on content, and if you blog for money then the model is based on content, people are taught to either start as reporters, or if possible step up as experts.

I’ll be frank, you want to be the expert.

Reporters leverage the content of the experts and in most cases people start off as reporters because they haven’t established expertise. Experts enjoy the perks of preeminence, higher conversion rates because of perceived value, it’s easier to get publicity, people are more likely to seek you out rather than you having to seek others out, joint ventures come easier, etc… experts in most cases simply make more money and attract more attention.

Most Bloggers Are Reporters

The thing with expertise is that it requires something - experience. No person becomes an expert without doing things and learning. Bloggers usually start out without expertise and as a result begin their blogging journey by talking about everything going on in their niche (reporting) and by interviewing and talking about other experts (reporting again).

There’s nothing wrong with reporting of course and for many people it’s a necessity at first until you build up some expertise. Unfortunately the ratios are pretty skewed when it comes to reporters and experts - there are a lot more reporters than there are experts, hence reporters tend to struggle to gain attention and when they do, they often just enhance the reputation of the expert they are reporting on.

Don’t Replicate Your Teacher

If you have ever spent some time browsing products in the learn Internet marketing niche you will notice a pattern. Many people first study Internet marketing from a “guru” (for lack of a better term). The guru teaches how he or she is able to make money online, and very often the view that the student gleams is that in order to make money online you have to teach others how to make money online.

The end result of this process is a huge army of amateurs attempting to replicate what their teacher does in the same industry - the Internet marketing industry - not realizing that without expert status based on a proven record and all the perks that come with it, it’s next to impossible to succeed.

Even people who enjoy marginal success, say for example growing an email list of 1,000 people, then go out and launch a product about how to grow an email list of 1,000 people. Now I have no problems with that, I think it’s fine to teach beginners and leverage whatever achievements you have, the problem is that people gravitate to the same niche - Internet marketing - and rarely have any key points of differentiation.

How many products out there do you know of that all claim to teach the same things - email marketing, SEO, pay per click, affiliate marketing, and all the sub-niches that fall under the category of Internet marketing. It’s a saturated market, yet when you see your teachers and other gurus making money teaching others how to make money (and let’s face it - making money as a subject is one of the most compelling) - your natural inclination is to follow in their footsteps.
If the key is to become an expert and you haven’t spent the last 5-10 years making money online, I suggest you look for another niche to establish expertise in.

Report on Your Process, Not Others

The secret to progress from reporter to expert is not to focus on other experts and instead report on your own journey. When you are learning how to do something and implementing things day by day, or studying other people’s work, you need to take your process and what you do as a result of what you learn, and use it as content for your blog.

It’s okay to talk about experts when you learn something from them, but always relate it to what you are doing. If you learn a technique from an expert it’s fine to state you learned it from them (and affiliate link to their product too!) but you should then take that technique, apply it to what you are doing and then report back YOUR results, not there’s. Frame things using your opinion - your stories - and don’t regurgitate what the expert said. The key is differentiation and personality, not replication.

Expertise comes from doing things most people don’t do and then talking about it. If you do this often enough you wake up one day as an expert, possibly without even realizing how it happened, simply because you were so good at reporting what you did.

You Are Already An Expert

Most people fail to become experts (or perceived as experts) because they don’t leverage what they already know. Every person who lives a life learns things as they go, takes action every day and knows something about something. The reason why they never become an expert is because they choose not to (which is fine for some, not everyone wants to be an expert), but if your goal is to blog your way to expertise and leave the world of reporting behind you have to start teaching and doing so by leveraging real experience.

Experience can come from what you do today and what you have done previously, you just need to take enough steps to demonstrate what you already know and what you are presently learning along your journey. I know so many people in my life who are experts simply by virtue of the life they have lived, yet they are so insecure about what they know, they never commit their knowledge to words for fear of…well fear.

Blogs, and the Web in general, are amazing resources when you leverage them as a communication tool to spread your expertise because of the sheer scope of people they can reach. If all you ever do is talk to people in person and share your experience using limited communication mediums, you haven’t much hope of becoming an expert. Take what you know and show other people through blogging, and you might be surprised how people change their perception of you in time.

Reporting Is A Stepping Stone

If your previous experience and expertise is from an area you want to leave behind or you are starting from “scratch”, then reporting is the path you must walk, at least for the short term.

Reporting is a lot of fun. Interviewing experts, talking about what other people are doing and just being part of a community is not a bad way to blog. In many cases people make a career of reporting (journalism is about just that), but if you truly want success and exponential results, at some point you will have to stand up and proclaim yourself as someone unusually good at something and then proceed to demonstrate it over and over again.

Have patience and focus on what you do to learn and then translate that experience into lessons for others, and remember, it’s okay to be a big fish in a small pond, that’s all most experts really are.

This article was by Yaro Starak, a professional blogger and my blog mentor. He is the leader of the Blog Mastermind mentoring program designed to teach bloggers how to earn a full time income blogging part time.

To get more information about Blog Mastermind click this link:

And be sure to watch this FREE Video.

You will be amazed!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympians and the Law of Attraction, The complete set of the Master Key

The whole world seems to be focused on Beijing, China and the Summer Olympics.

To follow more of Tony and our Live Broadcast discussion
of the Master Key

The Focus Society of Overachievers

Victories and heartbreaks surround the pageantry and excitement
of such an athletic extravaganza, but also the constant
pondering of HOW DO THEY DO IT

My Good friend Tony Michalski and publisher of my
favorite edition of the following Books has made some
poignant observations:

Read Tony's Thoughts and take advantage of his Offer

The Olympics are always a time to watch the best of
the best compete for the most coveted reward of all -
the Gold Medal. Athletes prepare and train for YEARS
in order to just get a shot at winning one.

And it is amazing to watch them compete. Like you, I
learn something every time I watch.

This year I learned a valuable lesson from a woman
gymnast - Alicia Sacramone. She only won a silver
medal, but that's OK, because she did something that
taught me about true competition.

You see, she was competing in the balance beam
event. She's on her mark, she gets set, she goes, and as
she jumps onto the beam, she slips and falls! Ouch!

If that were me, I more than likely would have stood,
dusted myself, and walked slowly off the mat with my head
hung low.

Not her. She stood, dusted herself off, and
And she did very well, I might add.

Did she win that day? Nope. Did she crack a little under
the pressure? Perhaps. Did she make herself a hero in front
of her family and friends and country? Perhaps to a degree,
but not like she won a Gold.

Did she fail? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

If anything, she personified EXACTLY what it takes to be
a winner. After a most dreadful fall, she had the mental
clarity and ability to clear her mind and do what she went
to China to do.

That, my friends, is the "secret" to winning.

It's the ability to take it to the end even after a fatal
flaw. To forget the past (even if it just happened!) and
run towards a future. It's to get the job done well even
though your chances of "winning" are nil.

Keep that in mind the next time you get set back or the
next time you err or blunder. Not many things are permanent
until we say that they are. And it rarely hurts to complete
what you set out to do even if it means that you won't get
all the accolades.

As Haanel wrote in Week Four of THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM:

12. Unless you do this, you had better not start at all,
because modern Psychology tells us that when we start
something and do not complete it, or make a resolution
and do not keep it, we are forming the habit of failure --
absolute, ignominious failure. If you do not intend to do
a thing, do not start. If you do start, see it through
even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do
something, do it; let nothing, no one interfere; the "I"
in you has determined, the thing is settled; the die is
cast, there is no longer any argument.

To help celebrate the Olympics and to foster that
Olympian Attitude, I would like to offer
to you at a very special price.

THE COMPLETE MASTER KEY COURSE is the best-selling and
world-famous personal development package that contains
ALL of the books written by Charles F. Haanel, plus
a LOT of bonuses. Here is what you will receive -

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- Access to future updates

This package has been highly praised and contains the
ENTIRE success philosophy of Charles F. Haanel. It is more
than likely the LAST set of personal development books you
will ever need.

For a limited time only, THE COMPLETE MASTER KEY COURSE
is only $99 and the shipping is free. (The free shipping only
applies to people who live in the United States. Canadian
and other International orders will get DISCOUNTED shipping.)

Order this invaluable set of books and bonuses by
using one of the following links - BUT FIRST READ BELOW

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As you go for the Gold in your life, you will find the
wisdom and methods in these books invaluable. Just read
what this one person wrote to me -

"I discovered Charles Haanel and from that day, my life is
so changed. It is astonishing."

To read more about THE COMPLETE MASTER KEY COURSE, please visit

But, please do not order from that web site. You will NOT receive the special price nor the free (or discounted) shipping! Read that web page then return to this Page and use the appropriate link to order!


--> (CANADA)


I hope that you are enjoying your summer. I also hope
that you keep moving toward your goals. As Winston
Churchill said and Alicia Sacramone personified,
"Never, never, never, never give up!"

As always, please let me know if I can be of service to you
Thank you and all the BEST to you and yours

Tony Michalski
Kallisti Publications

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I was fired up the other night about the control the Media seems to mantle us with. I guess that is why most intelligent people are not following traditional media services. The subject discussed is not prompted by Politically bent, but as an example


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