Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What is Your pleasure, Business or Products

Is Network Marketing a Business or
Just a method of Distribution for the Companies
producing the Product?

Russel Brunson, a real marketing Success, posed this question in
an E-Mail:

"I had a quick question for you today......
Do you have a product or a business?
At first you may think they

are the same thing, but they are not.
If all you have is a product to sell,
then you may be in trouble.

Take a moment and watch excerpts of these two videos

Russell Bronson Webinair

So many Network Marketers I talk to spend so much time talking
about their Product.
Then they allude to the fact that I can earn Money
from re-telling the Story.....

Well the Premise and Model are True and they do WORK, but the eager
participants NEED a well established Business Plan, complete
with cash flow projection, advertising budgets, long-tern and short term
goals, and MOST Important the Business MIND-SET.

Are you in a "product Mind-set" or a "Business Mindset"?

The main reason so few learn to provision their Ship , with the Tools,
Systems and awareness is the "leaders" many times aren't trained in
business Themselves.

If we want to Be in a Home-Based Business, and enjoy the Lifestyle
afforded, invest the time, energy and capital necessary to establish a real
Foundation to assure your Voyage to Abundance.

Beginners Marketing Class will be introduced in January, 2008.
Be sure to enroll for updated messages and get your Free gifts

Friday, November 9, 2007

Get this Healthy report Today......

This is a short Blog post, but could be the most beneficial
you ever read.
Following in the tradition of the principles discussed in
Think & Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill and The Master Key,
by Charles Haanel: Power comes from Thought and Thought is energy...
and our energy is enhanced by a balanced natural Body.

My own personal experience with an unbalanced Body
caused my
Massive Coronary and affected my
Energy in a very Big way.

The experience opened my eyes to the importance of Energy
and a
Healthy Body which allows a Healthy Mind to
create Healthy Bank Accounts.

I personally consume Supplements which have done marvelous
things to my
cellular Balance. Information can be FOUND HERE
The First product is one which I share with others and the second is
marketed through my good Friend Pete Balasch Jr

But what my Major point for you Today is a phenomenal service
provided by
one of the most caring and sincere Doctors I have
ever had the privilege of
associating with,
Jon Moreshead of the
Goodheart Group Inc.

Jon is one of few who learned to get past "the White Coat Syndrome"
put his patients TOTAL being into Focus.
He is offering a Phenomenal
Opportunity to help you to bring
your Source of Positive Energy into Balance.

This is not an affiliate site, nor am I compensated
for this endorsement

If you have the Burning Desire to rise above the ordinary and expand your
Business and Success Voyage, I suggest you get Dr Jon's Report Today,
and Follow through with the Metabolic Assessment Regimen

Remember, Thoughts are Energy and the more Energy
you can Focus, the easier it is to convert your Thoughts into Reality

By the way the Book Titles are Hot Links for FREE copies...
grab them, and read and re-read these Blueprints to Abundance